
17 Year Old Offer Owner Shares Secrets to Success ft. Benjamin Wong w/ Kidpreneurs

Benjamin Wong is only 17 years old and not only does he have a thriving e-commerce product, but he’s also just onboarded his Kidpreneuers ultimate bundle onto ClickBank and seen success as an offer owner. What?!

Join our ClickBank Affiliated podcast hosts Kyle Kostechka and Lauren Lee as they chat with the Kidpreneurs COO Benjamin Wong about his secrets to success. They discuss topics such as how to attract quality affiliates, what commission structures to offer, moving from e-commerce to direct response, balancing “kid life” and being an entrepreneur, and so much more.

Check out these links below to view the Kidpreneurs offer and affiliate tools page, as well as additional resources.

Kidpreneurs Offer on ClickBank –

Kidpreneurs Affiliate Tools Page –

Kidpreneurs Website –

ClickBank’s Ecommerce Offers –

Why Ecommerce Brands Choose Performance Affiliates –

Ecommerce to Direct Response Success Center –

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