
Email Master Reveals New Update That Changes Everything ft. Manny Ju with Maropost

Manny Ju with Maropost joins the ClickBank Affiliated Podcast to discuss a new email marketing update that will change email affiliate marketing forever. This update that Maropost is unveiling will change the way email marketers do affiliate marketing and will strengthen the power of the ClickBank + Maropost partnership.

Join our affiliate marketing podcast host Kyle Kostechka as he talks all things email marketing with Manny Ju, an email master with over a decade of experience. In addition to the huge Maropost update, these two will discuss DMARC – what it is, why you should care, and what you can do about it to make sure you’re in good standing with Yahoo and Google.

In additional to all of this valuable email affiliate marketing conversation, Manny and Kyle also share a fine Scotch and reminisce about loved ones. If you care at all about email marketing, or are considering learning more about it, this is a podcast episode you absolutely don’t want to miss!

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Check out these links to learn more about Maropost and this update:

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Maropost Partners Page –

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Maropost’s DMARC Case Study –

#email #emailmarketing #clickbank

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