
From $40K/Year to $40K/DAY – A Father’s Journey To Financial Freedom

Joel Peterson knew that he had to do something different with his life. Being a husband and father of multiple kids, Joel couldn’t keep going to his $9/hr life-threatening job that wouldn’t even cover his bills. His life had to change.

After talking with a close friend about his situation and the ways he was trying to make money, he learned about e-books and soon after learned of affiliate marketing with ClickBank. Joel put hours and hours, days and days of time into this and eventually got a few sales. But a few sales wouldn’t cover his bills, let alone give his kids the life he wanted for them.

But what happened one normal morning would change his life forever…

Buckle up because Joel Peterson’s journey to affiliate marketing success is full of twists, turns, revelations, and reflections. And you may even learn a bit about how an affiliate transitions to a seller and makes it work. We are SO excited to tell his story, and hope you enjoy this special video.

#affiliate #affiliatemarketing #affiliatemarketer

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