
He Lost His Job then Tried ClickBank. Now He’s a $250K+ Affiliate. ft. Ernesto Mejia

Ernesto Mejia wants nothing more than to provide for his family and give them a wonderful life. When he lost his job, he knew he absolutely had to make something work. This same situation happened to his father, which caused him to get sick and pass away, and Ernesto feared he would suffer the same fate.

However, thankfully Ernesto found ClickBank and after months of persistent, hard work he started to gain traction as an affiliate. Now Ernesto is a Platinum Affiliate generating over $250K a year with ClickBank. Being a Mexican citizen and unable to access American credit cards, this journey was tough for Ernesto. But he made it work.

Join ClickBank host Thomas McMahon as he dives into Ernesto’s story and what led him to becoming a successful performance affiliate.

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