
Struggling Mother Couldn’t Buy Milk…Now She’s a $250K+ Affiliate

Izabela Fukano was struggling. She couldn’t buy milk for her kids, her cards were getting declined, and ultimately she had to file for bankruptcy. All hope seemed lost. And then, she tried ClickBank.

After testing Facebook ads for quite some time, Izabela started to see some success. Before she knew it she was profitable, and soon after hit her first $100K month. And with the help of some Platinum Summit connections she made the previous year, Izabela became a ClickBank Platinum affiliate.

If Izabela can do it, so can you. Buckle up because this story is a wild ride of peaks and valleys, successes and failures – all culminating to her defining moment of becoming a ClickBank Platinum. Enjoy!

Izabela Shares Value of ClickBank Platinum Program –

ClickBank Platinum Program –

ClickBank Platinum Summit 2023 –

Will YOU Be Our Next ClickBank Platinum? –

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